Things a woman has to face just because she is a woman
I have had innumerable experiences of disadvantages of being a woman in the span of 6 decades of my life till now. But here I would like to mention in general what women face in our society. I will cite some examples here.
When a girl is little, during navarathri she is invited for a feast and worshipped as a devi and given some gifts. But this is just once for that one lunch and pooja, not even a whole day. Other than that, from the little age when she just starts understanding words and sentences, she is taught things that girls must do and not do, very much different than the things taught to boys. If ever she questions the difference, she is asked to accept things as she is a girl.
Things are defintely changing these days and there are talks of equality and freedom to women. But they still face a lot of discrimination and are regarded less than men by both the men and the women themselves. A lady boss is expected to behave in a more respectable way with her men sub-ordinates than the women sub-ordinates. She is told that she must know that though he may be a sub-ordinate, he is a male and would not like to get instructions from a woman boss.
Another instance, when a woman is handling maintenance of an apartment, she is not taken as seriously as a man. All instructions for work and correction of errors to the house keeping staff and security people (irrelevant of them being a man or a woman) are not taken seriously , while the same things coming from a man would be well adhered to.
Normally in families too this is pretty much evident. If suggestions come from a daughter or daughter- in-law, either they are not given much importance by both the genders of other members. If by chance their suggestion seem to be considered, they are aproved by the male members, and this is acceptable to them. The mental status or psychology of women is also such that if their ideas are aroved by men, they feel elated.
These are just a few things. I know everyone has seen and faced similar things and have had many more experiences which indicate how our society has accepted the inferiority of a woman compared to a man. I think a lot has to be changed in the way both boys and girls are being brought up. Even a statement like someone "briging up a daughter like a son" or "though she is a daughter she is like my son" promotes the superiority of men. Every child shoud be brought up as an individual with right values and manners and respect for people of any gennder.
That's a thought which often comes to my mind. Hope things really change for the betterment of every individual.
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